Thursday, August 17, 2006

The fruit of a Spiritual Overload, Enhanced by Starbux Mocha

Heeeey... so I'm in Van again-not sleeping again. Mikayla is, however, sleeping soundly about 3 to 4 feet away from me. We had a great time the past couple days. She's such an amazing woman of God-I feel stretched and challenged in so many ways in just the short time I've been visiting. I feel at peace in who I am in Christ. I feel challenged to pursue/rest in that more-God's grace and love despite my complete inability to do anything good without Him. I feel challenged to put the talents God has given me to use and not give in to the temptation of not even trying because of the lies I love to believe. I feel challenged to live more selflessly and doing God's works with His glory in mind. I feel challenged to keep working at the bitterness and desire to hold onto resentment for the pain in my life-to forgive, finally leave it all in God's hands. I feel challenged to act in wisdom no matter how hard my will fights that. I feel a strong desire to serve and love the people close to me now-cherish them and reach out to them, make myself vulnerable and not worry about the consequences. Support and encourage them, sacrifice time for them. I'm so inspired. I'm so full-of gratitude for the people God has placed in my life this past year. There are the ones that have been there for me in tough times-just simply making me laugh and helping me to forget worries for a little while. Ones that I could enjoy getting close to-learning from and being inspired by them and just loving life with them. Also there are the ones who, no matter what, always ask me how things with God are-sharing with me what He has been doing in their lives and spurring me on towards love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24) and always drawing my eyes to Jesus. I'm so blessed! It's going to be hard to move while all of this is still starting to grow and be nurtured but I know that God was preparing the way for me when I moved to Kamloops and He is preparing the way for me for when I head off to Saskatchewan. I can rest in His faithfulness for sure. So that's fairly in-depth but maybe expect that on nights where sleep comes slowly cuz a lot of the times haha I just can't sleep cuz aaaall of those thoughts are running around and bumping into each other like 5 yr olds playing soccer. Anyway, hopefully I can put all this inspiration to good use. I'd say feel free to let me know if you don't see any of these changes but heh I guess you guys won't be seeing much of me this year. But oh well. Let's keep in touch anyway k? K deal. Well maybe I should try the sleep thing again. The glow of caffeine miiight be starting to wear off now.